OPI Alpine Snow & Nfu Oh #38
Don't mind the chips. I'd worn this a few days before I decided to photograph it! At the time, this was one of my best ideas ever. I wanted a normal french manicure but I needed to add some pizazz! That's why I turned to Nfu Oh... I used #38 as my base color and free-handed the tips with OPI's Alpine Snow. #38 is basically a clear polish with HUGE opal flakes! It's really great because at first glance, you don't really notice it... but then take a second look, or put it under the sunlight, and WOW! The flakes really shine! Yellow! Orange! Green! The first picture is blurry but shows just how many flakes there are (after 3 coats of course)... The photo below shows the color range and sparkle of the manicure! Gorgeous! Word of advice: the Nfu Oh flakes are really difficult to remove. I suggest having some pure acetone on hand (no pun intended) unless you just feel like scrubbing for a while...
I think this is one of my favs. Love the subtlety.