Konad Must-Haves

Supplies you'll need for Konading:
(In the order you will need them)
1) Paper Towels
2) Disk Holder
3) Image Disk
4) Konad Special Polish
5) Scraper
6) Stamper
7) Cotton Balls or Q-tips
8) Polish Remover
9) Konad Topcoat
What you'll do: Put down a sheet of 1) Paper Towels to help keep polish off of your working surface. In your 2) disk holder, place the 3) Image disk of your choice. Then take the 4) Konad Special Polish and paint a layer on the design you will be using. Take your 5) Scraper and (at a 45 degree angle) lightly scrape off the excess polish overtop of the design. This will leave polish only in the etched design on your image plate. Lightly wipe off the polish from your scraper and set it aside. Take your 6) Stamper and roll it firmly (from one side to the other) across the design to pick up the polish on the disk. Now stamp the design on your nail with the same rolling technique. You may need to clean the disk every couple of applications in order to get a crisp, clean design. Just take a 7) Cotton Ball... or I like to use Q-tips... and clean the disk with 8) Polish Remover. After you are done stamping, put on 9) Konad's Topcoat to seal the design. Trust me, use Konad's Topcoat. I've seen other topcoats smear the stamped design.
My Konad Storage
I'm a very organized person. I like all my Konad stuff to be kept together. This is a little box that actually came with 3 books (Graphic Design reference books, uck) in it. It's just perfect for my Konading supplies. All of my bottles can stand upright and the case is hard so everything is well protected. I also like that it's see-through so I can easily find what I'm looking for.
Photo wallet for disk storage
I got this idea from the Konaddict... I think she got it from another blogger. Either way, it's perfect for keeping your disks organized and protected from scratches! (Click here to see Konaddict's blog: http://konaddict.blogspot.com/ )
A look inside:


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