Chocolate Explosion (Cookies)

I don't bake. Anything. [...]

Except for cookies. I've always liked baking cookies.
Maybe because I LOVE cookies! I'm not a "cake" girl. I'm a "cookie" girl!
With Christmas just around the corner, I've kind of been obsessing about them... I'm always on the hunt for a good recipe. The bigger and softer, the better! Last week I tried a new chocolate chip recipe (which by the way, Charlie The Cat bit a hole through the plastic bag and chewed on some of the cookies!)... and here is one I stumbled upon online this week! Could anything be better than a cookie made with cookies (Oreos), candy bars, and chocolate chips? Nothing is coming to mind...

Mmmm! Still warm from the oven. Looking at these pictures is making my mouth water!
I found this recipe through Southern Living Online. HERE is the recipe!
Since this is a nail polish blog, I suppose I should add something to this post that is relevant... The polish I'm wearing is OPI "Ulta-mate Berry Beautiful". It's really old and really awesome! A one-coater, super glossy, and applies perfectly. If you ever find it, snatch it up. I've seen it on ebay for $20. I got it for Valentine's Day 5 or 6 years ago...


  1. They are so good! Very chocolately :)

  2. As soon as you said your mouth was watering, mine did, too!! I'm going to be doing some baking today and I have a sneaking suspicion that these are going to make it on the baking list. Thanks for the recipe link!

    they look really good!

  4. omfg. Now, I am craving cookies. Bad enough you give me polish lemmings, now you make me want to bake!!!! :(

  5. Megan- :) These are awesome cookies! Hope you like them!

    Danny- Oh they are!!

    Lady C- Haha... Uh oh! Not only are my posts bad for your wallet, now they're targeting the waistline! ;)

  6. WOW i am so jealous, these look absolutely amazing!!!!
    The cookies and the nails! yummy xxx

  7. Now I'm craving cookies :) I wish I could bake them (the house smells so good!) but I'm not too talented with baking. I'm very talented at making food uneatable, though :) Luckily, I have friends who can bake :D

  8. Your cookies looks del! :p Not to rain on your parade or anything but you know chocolate is really bad for cats? Like lethal.

  9. Charlotte- Thank you!!

    Silva- Oh they aren't hard to make! Just follow the recipe and everything should turn out just fine!

    Melisende- Don't worry. Charlie didn't eat these. He started on my OTHER cookies. I don't think he actually ate any chocolate chips... he just chewed on the edges. BTW I heard the whole chocolate thing was a myth...? The vet said they are lactose intolerant though. Funny because Charlie likes ice cream! LOL

  10. These cookies look to die for...all those good antioxidants from chocolate are calling me name (hur hur).

    Chocolate bad for cats! I hadn't heard this before...guess I'll stop giving my little guy my empty chocolate ice cream bowl to lick out. He'll be so upset, though.

  11. They LOOK delicious. But I'm not a fan of the Oreo or Mounds. Loved Oreo's as a kid...but now...ick.
    I love Holiday baking, don't do as much in my tiny home now but I'm making some this week!

  12. So delicious! I'm a cookie AND a cake girl, I looove decorating cakes and cookies! <33

  13. oh yum! i want one of those cookies.. look delicious! i'm horrible at baking so i don't think i'll even attempt it, haha.

  14. OMG Chocolate overload...They look soooo yummy :)

  15. Well, it's the cocoa that's bad for cats, and dogs. Depending on the % and how much the animal weigh it's not a good idea. But I'm glad to hear he didn't eat the chocolate cookies. :)

  16. How dare you torture us with pics and no recipe? D:

    I want to try some, they look so good.

  17. yummy! These are seriously steering me away from my diet!

  18. Oh my... seroiusly, oh my lord.


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