Half Moon Manicure
Liquid Palisade

It's as easy as 1, 2, 3 . . . 4!
How To Use Liquid Palisade
- 1) Paint your nails with your base color and allow to dry completely.
- 2) Draw a design onto your nails with Liquid Palisade (I went over my design twice so the Liquid Palisade was thick and would be easier to pull off. Also, make sure to apply extra Liquid Palisade off of your nail so you can later grab it with tweezers!). Let the Liquid Palisade dry for a couple of minutes and then...
- 3) Paint over Liquid Palisade with your next color. (Use a one-coat polish because you have to remove Liquid Palisade when polish is still wet).
- 4) IMMEDIATELY start to remove the Liquid Palisade (I suggest using tweezers so you won't accidentally touch the wet polish and because Liquid Palisade tends to fling up at you since it's stretchy!).
- P.S. Only "polish-and-peel" 1 finger at a time. You don't want it (for example: the black polish) to dry before you take off the Liquid Palisade or you might pull up some of your polish.

Such a pretty mani and I have to say, Liquid Palisade looks very interesting, the outcome is great :D
I'm really temped to get some of this stuff!
That mani looks so posh!
I so want this product!! It's great for nailart :)
cool! =)
That is an AMAZING idea!
What a great product! How much is it and where can you buy?
OMG this is a gorgeous look! And that liquid palisade is pretty cool! :)
it's genius! =DDD
Great product...perfect for ruffian manicures I would imagine. Where do I find this Liquid Palisade?
thats awesome!
Wow, this looks awesome! The Liquid Palisade seems really cool!
I've never heard of this Palisade before. It looks interesting and I love your mani.
Ooh, that's so handy! I never get half moons so nice :)
That's such a cool product!
Hi, I'm a new follower & is loving everything so far! This mani looks so flawless! Love your tutorial! Hopefully, I can grab my hands on this in the future.
Hihi, what an odd product, it seems very handy! Nice half moons, I'm a big fan of b/w combinations..
Is liquid palisade available to buy online? Would love to get my hands on some!
I neeeed this product! It's awesome!
Now that stuff is a cool idea O.o
HOLY cow!!!!! I MUST have this!
That is sooooooo COOL!!! MUST HAVE....
wow, your mani came out perfect!!! this is an interesting product.
Many thanks for such a well written post and tutorial!
liquid palisade, by kiesque, inc. can be purchased exclusively online at http://www.liquidpalisade.com
It is $22.00...less than a professional manicure and many uses per tube!
Free Shipping for a limited time!!
I recently received mine and absolutely LOVE it. I find myself hoping my nail polish chips just so I can try out a new design with the palisade! It's really great!
Thank you all for reading my post and leaving a comment! If anyone was interested, Liquid Palisade is available here : http://www.liquidpalisade.com
kiesque- Thanks soooo much for sending me a sample to try out! It's so fun! I'm trying to decide how I'll use it next... :)
cool! you should try this for french tipping and let us know how that works :)
Oh.. I want one of these... o.O
YOU HAVE TO HAVE THIS!!!! I just ordered some of this stuff & it's amazing. My favorite use is for a french tip! It's like taping before painting. And it's so fun to peel it off and see a perfect polish job - done by ME. I'll do my nails much more often with this. Change colors. Plus how cool to start a new trend with your friends.
AWESOME! I hope it makes it's way into my stocking! :P
i love have people make up products to make our polishing lives easier XD
That's so awesome! :D Where did you get that? I do like your blog btw. :)
so beautifull !!
i need it !! where we can buy it ???
Melisende & Lily Nail- :) I believe you can get it here: http://www.liquidpalisade.com
Thanks for stopping by!
This product is awesome! I really need it.
I am IN LOVE with my liquid palisade! All the girls on my floor have been borrowing it, so I definitely know what I'm getting them for christmas!
I would like to have this.....santa are you there?
This is the first time I hear about this. I think it's great. I always wanted to get that "perfect round edge" for half moon.. Every time I try.. I just can't.