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Patch patch patch! Patches have saved my nails many times-i hate having neven nails and/or cutting them all down to match a broken nail!
I've never even heard of a patch. What is it?
three words (followed by many more): Orly Nail Rescue! Get it at Sally or online somewhere, get it now! You'll be so glad you did. Better than a patch. Way Way better IMO. You paint a little of the glue (thinly) over the tear or break area...then dip your nail into the powder provided...Buff a little to smoo2th and viola'! I saved broken nail that way...and it held for 2 weeks of manicures (almost daily changes) with acetone based remover. By then, it was mostly gone and I just redid the repair. This stuff is fantastic!
Oh thank you for the suggestion! I will definitely go get some if it will save my poor nail!
This happens to me all the time, but always on the inner side of my thumb nails. I tried to pach it up, but that didn't help at all. The patch just breaks on the same place after a day or two.
I'm so sorry for you! I had to gel on my nail tip when I broke it a couple of months ago. Just now it's grown back to "normal" length. For tears I find that glittery polish helps to shelter it as it is thick. Glitter stays on better than ordinary polish too so the nail don't have to suffer from the polish remover that often and won't start to split as easily. Love your pics, keep it up :)
Silk wrap! I tried the Orly kit and it's just an acrylic overlay, dried my nail out so badly that it shattered into 4 pieces making a bigger ouch than before.
SILK that sucker! otherwise thats gonna hurt like a mofo if it rips much farther! email me if ya need a how to, or if you need the products. I have some backscratchers that works great!
It sounds like there are pros and cons to every solution... Is silk the same thing as a patch?
I really hate when this happens! Before I knew to file the sides of my nails, they would split on BOTH sides! At the same time! It was just awful!
Thanks again for all the suggestions!
You can save it by patching, but before that, carefully buff over the rip a bit to make it smoother, it helped me a lot.
I did a tutorial a while ago on using silk wraps + glue to patch my nails, I have to admit at my worst I had 7 of my nails patched because I didn't want to hack them down to short nubbins. I eventually got sick of maintaining that many, but right now I'm wearing 3 (both thumbs & right index). Especially when they tear so low like yours, it helps them grow out at least to the point you can trim them down painlessly.
If you want, you can check out the post HERE
Oh no! Keeping it polished is a good idea. I used Nubar Nail Weaver to keep a couple pinky splits together that were on the nail bed. It worked until they were almost grown out, but both broke in a painful way. I hope yours doesn't painfully break!!!
patch=silk patches, pretty much. I got (stole) the idea from Collete's post about it that she mentioned above, and it is a godsend. I have also tried Orly Nail Rescue, and I didn't like it nearly as much, actually. It was much more difficult to get smooth and thin and even, and it seemed to crack more than the patches.
I actually just did a silk wrap on all of my nails because alot of them were getting to the point that they looked like they were going to tear. Yeah, the upkeep isn't super fun, but mine have been holding up for two weeks with daily polish changes and acetone remover. I prefer silk because my nails don't get super dry from them... and they still look perfectly natural... It takes a little practice, but its so worth it!
Number one, I feel your pain, as I am recovering from the second nasty split like this in the past 6 months (same spot on the same nail as well...). In the end you just have to wait it out unfortunately.
Number two, HOW have I missed your blog up until now!? Your photos are AMAZING and your creativity and skills put most others to shame. Well done, I have subscribed and look forward to plenty more awesome NOTDs!
is one of the most horrible things that could ever happen!
Thank you for all of the help guys!! Until now I had no idea what silk patches or Orly Nail Rescue or any of the other things were!
And thank you for the nice comments! Let me know if there is ever anything I should change to make my blog better! :)
I'm so sorry for that awful split. Colette has a great post for you to read and use. I never had a split so low. I just cut it as short as I can. I hope you can get it fixed.
That also happened to me. But i'm convinced i have a fungus...
Next friday i'm going to dermathologist.
What did you do to solve this?
Trinca-Espinhas - I haven't really had any time to try and fix my thumb nail... I'm just keeping it well polished and hoping it doesn't snag on anything! Mine splits so low because there must be too much pressure on that spot when my nail bends... Good luck with your nail break!
U should def. try the Orly nail rescue. It dries immediately and it works great. i put it on my whole nail and i did'nt have to worry about it further breaking or cracking. ITS THE BEST THING EVER!! the nail just grows out and it comes off with regular nail polish remover. No weakening or damaged nails
I've had good luck with +nailaid 5in1 Total Clear Liquid Bandage. You can get it online for less than $4 (if you get 2 S&H is free), it's a lot less labor intensive than anything listed above, it's nothing like super glue and I've been able to nurse cracks for weeks until they grow out enough you can file them down without being left with nubbins.