I'm sick of the photo quality I get when I upload pictures into Blogger. I tried using Photobucket but the pictures ended up being so big that blogger automatically cropped them to fit within the limits of the post. I hesitate to join Flickr because I have to sign up for a Yahoo ID and I don't really need anymore login names and passwords to remember! Does anyone out there have a better way to post pictures? If so, please let me know!
Anyways, on to the nails. I wanted to use red and purple. I love red and purple! So I thought, "I'll try a Red Hat Society themed manicure". I pictured it looking better than this. What it turned out to be reminds me more of hippie tie-dye! It is better in real-life, of course... but it would be even better with more purple!

I knew right away that I was going to use those feathers on Konad image plate M63. I stamped the design on top of OPI's Dutch Tulips (base color). To add more interest, I used silver AND purple special polish. It's a good thing I did because the purple is barely visible.
Afterwards, I filled the void created by the arched feathers with China Glaze's Ruby Pumps. Then I remembered how hard Ruby Pumps was to photograph... so I went over it with a red glitter Stripe Rite!

Does anyone else have problems with Konad's topcoat getting super bubbly!?! I bet I have over 50 bubbles on my thumbnail alone! I don't shake the bottle... I try to apply it in as few brush strokes as possible... It looks perfect when I'm done. It's not until it really begins to dry that the bumps start showing up. I'm desperate for help/suggestions! :( I feel like such a whiner today!
forget any other topcoat you're 'supposed' to use with a certain polish. use seche vite ALL the time. I've been using it since i was 12 and never needed anything else. =)
Oh this is gorgeous! What a great idea - maybe to do with gold glitter too ...or with copper on yellow base to create a sunflower... Or better yet - putting both copper and gold as a center to make a lively sunflower on yellow base! Would you try it like that too?
Great use of that pattern! Very original indeed.
W3needLoV3- I've heard that Seche Vite topcoat will spear the Konad special polish. I will give it a try though!
Doo- I don't have a gold or copper polish to stamp with! :( I guess I have some OPI golds but I've never used them with Konad. The "feather" design does look like a flower, doesn't it?! Your idea would be very pretty! I'll have to check into the supplies I have to see if I can get it done! Thanks for the idea :)
Nihrida- Thanks! Seeing it in pictures, it is kind of ugly! On the nail, there is not that much of a difference in the shades of the 2 reds. I think I will just need to redo this whole thing again! But next time I will use purple as the base. Red just doesn't photograph well! :(
looks great , very well done with the colours too, love it. My konad top coat is fine, but it is very new only been opened about 4 weeks, maybe it will get worse as it ages.....
OMG, well done, I looooove the design! You just got me inspired to slap on some red polish lol
Oh my goodness, this is gorgeous! I was just trying to figure out what to do with that particular konad design a couple of nights ago. Lovely & creative!
BabyD- Yah, I don't remember having problems when I first got it. Maybe you are right in guessing that as it gets older, it gets "bad"... I will have to try my backup bottle of topcoat to see if it bubbles too. Thanks :)
Charis- Thank you! I'm really not loving it but I'm glad YOU found it inspiring!
April and Ashley- It's a tough one to decide where to place! Thanks for commenting. I'm glad you liked it!
This is so pretty!!
And um... well, Blogger does automatically resize but you can always click on the picture to see the full size version of it.
That is such a cute mani!!!
Maybe if you add just one tiny drop of polish thinner to the Konad T/C it will be back to how it was when it was new?- if you're going to chuck it anyway, it can't hurt to try...
But honestly, in spite of the bubbles and lack of purple, this Konadicure turned out beautifully! It is seriously fantastic! I think you are being too hard on yourself. That is gorgeous!
Thank you!
Oh, this is such a beautiful manicure! I love it. For the pictures, I had the same problems you are having. I wanted bigger pictures, but wanted to upload to Blogger. I found this website and I use it's technique to get larger pictures in Blogger. It's very easy and the pictures on my blog are larger, but still clickable. Here's the link (I hope it works!)
I just started using http://skitch.com/... it works fantastically! It has all the features needed in one. I got the idea to try it from joy the baker's blog and thank goodness I tried it with my blog, lol. I'm not affiliated at all, just a fan. It allows you to image capture, size then post to web and use that url to put into your blog. Hope it works as well for you. You do great nails, btw. ;o)
I just came across your blog and I'm really enjoying it. This konadicure really caught my eye because of the unique colour combo and because I have never really figured out what to do with this pattern. Great idea!
Hi! I just read this post for some reason. I use picasa for my posts. I have a gmail account and I downloaded picasa which has a blogger feature so all I do is select the photos I want to use, click the blogger button, type in whatever since we can edit it later then post it. It allows the posted images to be clicked and enlarged. You can see my blog here:
I use Seche Vite over my konadicures and I don't have the smearing like I have seen with some others. I use a good amount on the brush and just slide it over. The brush doesn't touch my nail. I have less than a 1/4 in my current bottle and I use a lot of the Seche Restore, it does the trick.