Then I covered it with one coat of #56. This picture is so dull and unsaturated. I don't know what happened to it when I uploaded it onto blogger. At least you get the idea of how many flakes are in this polish.
[Below] I used the flash so you could see it actually shine. It is a brilliant green!
I would recommend the Nfu Oh flake polishes to anyone! They're truly amazing! They are pretty not layered too... it just takes several coats to make them opaque.
That is gorgeous. I love the Nfu Oh flakies. I own 4 of them but want more. LOL
That is a beautiful combination!
I want #51! Supposedly they are having manufacturing issues... I'm on the list to get it though.
Amazing manicure. I would never have thougt of using the flakie on top of this shade. Turned out magnificent.
I think that the fabulousness of it came through the pictures just fine. Thanks for making me having another Nfu-Oh! lemming BTW. :-)