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Very pretty. Love the opal flakies maybe because my birthstone is opal..lol :)
Love it! I have to get that plate! I've been getting mixed reviews on it, especially if it's advisable to do this via Konad or freehand. But with this mani, I may have to purchase the plate!
SO great!
Sadly to me m19 is not that great and easy...
For OPI's I like Bubble Bath, Samoan Sand, or Hawaiian Orchid which is my favorite :)
I love it!! I don't have Konad yet, but I use the French tip guides and they seem to work pretty good for me. A Konad set is on the bday list. :)
my favorite for french is orly. (I know its not opi sorry) i use orly marry the man and orly bare rose.
Love it!
lovely :) i love Nfus..
Very pretty, love the strong pink with the opal Bx
very very nice i love dit !!!
Very nice, fun. Which pink special polish did you use? Thanks.
Thanks for the comments! And thank you to those that left suggestions!
Bellebathandbeyond & LaLadyBunny- This plate takes a few practices to master but once you get it figured out, it is definitely worth it! I like the crisp line you get with the image (unlike if you were to do it freehand) and the slight arch in the design. It's just perfect!
Michelle- This is Konad Psyche Hot Pink!
ohh yeh its really really pretty!!
So pretty! I *think* I have that plate...I know it's terrible that I'm not sure. I just haven't used my konad in awhile. This has definately inspired me to do some kind of funky french though!
I always use opi No Bees Please, its a milky nude with a hint of shimmer so its not just flat. Hope that helps! Love this look, I'm still trying to master the konad tip plate lol.
I just tried this plate for the first time and it was a bit rough :) it was hard to tell what size I needed for each finger. Now that it has sat for a day I'll stamp over what is missing. Thanks for the "tips"!
Wow! This is really pretty .. I actually thought they were some sort of special airbrushing or fake tips before I scrolled down. They look perfect!
I use OPI Canberra't Without you cuz it has a lovely micro shimmer to it... Or I use OPI Holeplessly In Love