Here is the version I have! I don't think this one has the charcoal base like some do. It looked very similar in color to "You Don't Know Jacques"... Anyways, it does have that green flash that I've seen people mention [shown in the photo below]. It also has scattered holographic specs, minus the rainbow effect. This version is to the Original "My Private Jet" as DS "Extravagance" is to DS "Exclusive". Get it? :)

I still like it though...

I wonder how many versions actually exist...? At the beauty supply store last weekend, I saw one that was more charcoal in color with larger, but less, holographic pieces. I almost bought it but I really don't wear this one enough as it is!

Thanks for stopping by! Enjoy your day... Mine has started off well. It finally feels like fall around here. The leaves are turning red and there's not a cloud in the sky. Ahhh. So relaxing :)
love this on u :) very sophisticated.. i saw this in a mall today, only the tester bottle is the original one and i asked the SA if i cld buy it instead and she looked at me, stunned. HAHA
Wow, lovely colour ! Thanks for the swatches ! :)
Gorgeous color. Looks awesome on your perfect nails. Thanks for sharing. I will say here that I loved all the colors and swatches you did of the new OPI burlesque collection. So pretty. Also like the way you have designed your blog page...nice, simple, clean. Easy to locate things that way.
My Private Jet!! :) I think I have the charcoal-based one. This one looks different than my bottle :S
Jamie- Thanks :) I think I would have done the same thing! LOL
Anonymous- Thanks! And thanks for stopping by!
Eileen- Awww thank you, Eileen! I can't wait to get more of the Burlesque collection! They are so fun! Also, I'm glad you noticed that I try to keep my blog organized and easy to navigate. I also decided not to include ads on my blog. I think they just add chaos and I know that no one wants to look at them :) Thank you again for the comment!
Great color! Your nails look awesome.
Megan- Thanks! :) I'm finding it hard to maintain the squared corners... they wear away and the only way to get them back is to file down my nails! Grrr.
I don't know how many versions exist but they are all great! I love this one a lot too; lots of colors and dimension. Your nails look beautiful!
This looks lovely! Do you think you will be running anymore challenges now you're back? I'd love to take part! xx
Tasha- There are a lot! I do agree that this is a nice version but I'd love to be able to find the original!!
Olivia- Thanks :) I'm not sure yet... Hopefully I get motivated to do them, though!
love this manicure! I am dying for this color! I love your blog!
This colour is so gorgeous. Your photos make me fall in love with every polish you wear! :P I find it soo so difficult to keep my nails square. I seem to break them more!
I really like your photos! Mind me asking how you take them? Do you use a lightbox, or do you just have an awesome camera, or both?
I have this version too and I love it! So easy to work with too, the texture is fabulous!
Gorgeous color and swatches!
Toesthattwinkle- Thank you! I'm really glad you like my blog :)
JQ- I agree! It's super pretty in the sunlight too!... It is hard to keep my corners square because the tend to wear down but I never have problems with my nails breaking. I file the sides [I know. Some say to never do that but I do] so it takes the pressure off of the nail since they fan out as they get longer...
Polishedchibita- Thanks! I take them inside a lightbox I made, with 2 table lamps using energy efficient bulbs. My camera is not bad either... for a point-and-shoot. Its a Canon.
Phedre- Yes, it is! I think this was only 2 coats!
I've got 2 versions of this and I love them both. I've got a charcoal holo version and the brownish/bronzeish with scattered holo.
I love your nail shape too, it's how I keep mine :) I always find though that my index finger on both hands is the hardest to keep, I'm forever chipping or breaking them at work *sigh*.
My version of Private Jet looks just like yours, with some brown/purple hue to it. Would love to snag the charcoal base one, but I may just purchase Color Club Revvvolution.
i heard so much negative feedback about this version but it looks great on you!
I love this polish! My version is very close to yours, but it has a bronze flash to it.
At coffee i quickly looked at your swatches. It must have stuck in my mind cause my haul tonight included this polish...can't wait to try it out. I'm more impressed now seeing your pictures than the bottle showed.
i'm sooo jealous of your nails!
Gorgeous color, cannot wait to get it!
Gorgeous photos, love this color!
my version looks so different! it's darker, more charcoal-esque. i didn't realize there were different versions...