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great color!
what a sweet pink, i adore these shades. I had thesame short nail issue too last week....so i doubled my cuticle pampering routine and took some extra vitamins...now they are presentable again haha altough some colors look way better on short ones :)
ps i love the way you take the pictures! what a clever idea to use a mirror :)
maRyya- Indeed!
Crystaliciousss- It is a "sweet" pink! Soft and girly :) Thanks for commenting! Yah, my nails are super short right now. Unfortunately I can't use my reflection technique because it just doesn't look as good. I've been doing that ever since I started my blog though! I wanted a unique way to show my nails. I think it works! :)
Hey there! Looks like an awesome pink! I just want to point out, though, that they're probably making a lot more than $25,000 off this polish just by virtue of using the pink ribbon gimmick. I'm quite disappointed that a company who once produced the most toxic products marketed to women can only scrape up 25k toward fixing the problem they helped caused.
Jennifer- Yah, at first I thought 25k seemed kind of low but it's a lot more than I could donate, you know? And at least they are donating. Some companies that use the "gimick" don't even donate! OPI is also giving another 5k to Rethink Breast Cancer in Canada. At least they are doing something... Essie is donating "a portion" of the sales (they don't tell us how much. It could be $15 for all we know! Not implying that they'd do that though. I love Essie). I didn't see anything on Zoya's website about BCA. Deborah Lippmann joined with Shape magazine to create a pink polish which "a portion" of the procedes will go to Hoag Breast Cancer Center (http://www.shape.com/beauty-and-style/makeup/nails/shapes-exclusive-polish). China Glaze has a "Fight Like A Woman" collection listed on their website but it says nothing about any donations. Sooo, I think it is great of OPI to be open about how much they are giving and that it is not just based on their sales of that particular polish! :)
Oh yeah, I like that they're donating, don't get me wrong. I'm just naturally suspicious of any company that uses the pink ribbon to get me to buy stuff. China Glaze 100% gets the side eye from me, because they have their "rainbow of hope" collection, but there is no information as to how their 18% of profits are determined. 18% of profits from the sale of the collection displays? or 18% of each of those colors, since they're all in their regular collection? How would they even keep track?
Jennifer- Oh me too! :) The pink ribbon is everywhere! Even on batteries for crying out loud! At least with this polish I know I'm getting a great product and a it's a gorgeous pink shade that I can wear to support breast cancer awareness :)
O myyy, love this pink colour ! :D Thanks for the swatches ! :)
Ahh the frost! It's pretty, just too frosty looking for me.
Such a pretty pink! I recently bought this as well and I really love it!
After seeing your blog for this color I now "have to have it!" I like the girly pink!